100 rupees is equal to 59,000 here. Different Exchange Value & Different Currencies.

 Do you know that there are different currencie values ​​at different places and there are different curencies in every country. 

Let's talk about such amazing gajah, where the value of Indian rupees is very high. Suppose you are packing your bag and with that you have only 100 rupees and if you are sitting in a flight with 100 Indian rupees then there is a place where if you lend, then your 100 rupees will be equal to 59,000 and this Which currency is it? This is the Iranian Rial.

So you landed directly in Iran. Iranian Riyal is the currency of Iran. If we consider the dollar, then 100 Doller is equal to 42,00,000 Rials in Iran. If 2000 rupees are taken in Iran then it becomes 10,00,000, equivalent to the Iranian Rial. That means in just 2000 rupees you will become Millionaire there. 

Talking about the strongest currency of the world, it is Kuwaiti dinar.So you landed directly in Iran. Iranian Riyal is the currency of Iran. If we consider the dollar, then 100 Doller is equal to 42,00,000 Rials in Iran. If 2000 rupees are taken in Iran then it becomes 10,00,000, equivalent to the Iranian Rial. That means in just 2000 rupees you will become Millionaire there. Talking about the strongest currency of the world, it is Kuwaiti dinar.

If we compare the Iranian rial with the Kuwaiti dinar, what will be the calculation? So brother, 1 Kuwaiti dinar is equal to 1,39,525 Iranian rials. Meaning if a resident of Kuwait comes to Iran by taking a Kuwaiti dinar from there, he will get 1,39,525 Iranian rials and there is only 10 Kuwaiti dinars coming to Iran and it turns into 15,00,000 Iranian rials that is amazing.